
My Story

about Scott Hansen

I am a husband, father, and firefighter who developed a strong interest in bees about a decade ago. I tend to become fixated on my passions quite easily, which can be either good or bad, depending on how you look at it. In my case, I became determined to keep my bees alive. I discovered that achieving this goal was heavily dependent on controlling mite populations.

After considering various options, I decided that using Oxalic Acid Vaporization was the best method for me. However, I encountered several issues with the vaporizers I built, such as slow processing times, difficulty controlling dosages, and an inability to regulate temperature.

That's when I came across the ProVape 110, which seemed like an excellent vaporizer that could solve all my problems. However, it's out of the price range for most backyard beekeepers, with a price tag of about $450. So I built a vaporizer based on its design, which worked very well, but it was still too bulky and too expensive for the average backyard beekeeper.

Determined to create a more affordable, lightweight, and ergonomic option that could offer the same benefits as the ProVape 110, I developed the Mite-E-Vape vaporizer. This device allows the average beekeeper to quickly and easily control dosage and temperature, resulting in healthier hives and fewer losses during winter. In addition, using the Mite-E-Vape makes treating bees a less time-consuming and frustrating task, encouraging beekeepers to do it more consistently.


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